Picture / Video QR Codes

Take your brand to the next level

Capture customers interest with this new type of graphical QR code image. Link directly to your website or show custom messages to anyone with a phone camera instantly.

Send us your picture and we will send you a free example of the final code with picture!


















































































Example solutions

Gift cards

Marketing and Advertising

Access Codes 
Logs QRPicturecode usage and statistics

Location identification.

Interactive Museum and Gallery Exhibits

Prospective customers, especially for weddings and large events

See QRVideocodes in action

Scrollable Image Grid without Filename Overlay

Contact us for custom work

We'll get back to you as soon
as possible

  •  +44792 0123456  

Get consultation or help on any issue


  • (C) 2024 QRPicturecodes.com
